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KINGCA Week 2023 is offering free space for your Research Group Meetings!

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    2023-07-20 00:00
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KINGCA Week 2023 is wholeheartedly encouraging multidisciplinary experts and multinational centers to come together in the spirit of collaboration.

We therefore are offering free space for Collaboratory meetings during the KINGCA Week 2023. 

Every meeting is eligible, but as space is limited, we have assigned the slots after a brief review.

We encourage more recently formed groups and Multinational/multicenter collaborations. 

The assigned meeting could inspire and promote collaboration as well as the sharing of study design.

How to Apply


      1.Complete and return the application form to the KINGCA Week 2023 Secretariat via e-mail ([email protected]
         before August 18, 2023.

         *The title of application e-mail is recommended “Researcher meeting group’s name."
      2.The KINGCA Week 2023Organizing Committee will conduct a review of the requests.
      3.After assigning the rooms and times, applicants will be notified by email.

For more questions or inquiries, please contact ([email protected])




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